our all-inclusive two-parT
fitness subscription service
The GetFit Black Box is what we deliver:
Every member will receive The GetFit Black Box which is our monthly fitness subscription box. Once a month, every single month- each member gets a new Black Box delivered to their doorstep.
The Black Box was designed in mind to surprise and delight, but also to build upon one another successively, so they are sequential in order.
The first month of your membership you receive the “M-1” box commemorating the 1st step of your fitness journey and your 1st month of membership. This “M-1” marking is emblemized both on the box itself as well as the included T-shirt of the month. The next month you will then receive the “M-2” box, the month thereafter "M-3", etc.
Each month's box is unique in design- the box itself, the t-shirt of the month, and the contents inside! The contents will range from fitness product samples, to supplements from companies we are partnered with, and various other goodies that may help to serve you on your fitness journey!
Each month’s unboxing will be a different and enjoyable experience every time- but more importantly it serves the main purpose of promoting consistency throughout your fitness journey and giving you something to look forward to every single month!
The StayFit Solution System is what we provide:
Solution System #1 – Your Fully Personalized Fitness Program.
We build your personalized workout plan, nutrition plan, and full program regimen- from the information that you provide us in your Client application information form.
This all-encompassing four-section form provides our Health & Fitness consultants an overview about you, your life, your health & fitness goals, and your current level of knowledge- so that we can develop a program that is best suited and tailored to you.
Solution System #2 – The Consulting Portal
This all-in-one consulting portal is a live video-conferencing platform where you have access to booking educational consulting services, are taught through our crash courses, learn from our article repository and video library, and meet in real-time with our consultants on topics such as:
Beginners Foundations of Fitness
Intermediate Integration of Fitness
Advanced Applications of Fitness
Fundamentals of Fat Loss
Fundamentals of Muscle Hypertrophy
Fundamentals of Strength
Common Myths/Misconceptions of the Fitness Industry
Basic Nutrition Science
Technique Critiques
Injury Prevention/Posture/Mobility/Flexibility
Advanced Exercise Technique/Form
Sleep Science Habits
Application of Anatomy and Physiology Fundamentals
and more!
Afterwards- we send you the accompanied learning material in different mediums such as PDF’s, excel sheets, documents, pictures, videos, and full guides.
In summation, the all-inclusive GetFitStayFit subscription service helps the everyday man and woman get fit, and stay fit- all while
having fun doing it!